From the Rector’s Study

I prefer communicating verbally rather than on paper or social media. COVID-19 has us living differently. I hope my messages provide a spiritual lift in these troubling times. – The Rev. Bryce Sangster

March 24, 2024

Whenever there is an election of a Bishop there is always thoughts about who will let their name stand. All of us a priests think about it wonder about being Bishop. A colleague captured the essence of the reality of our playing with the idea. That all of us would like to be Bishop for a day, but beyond that, to deal with the problems and stresses of the position day in and day out for years is not what we want. So, who would want to do so?

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March 17, 2024

Interesting, it is Lent and the idea of penitential themes and concepts. And here we have both the New Covenant being expressed in Jeremiah and the priest for ever in the order of Melchizedek. What is going on?

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March 10, 2024

This part of John’s gospel contains perhaps the most famous and best-known verse in the Bible. For God so love the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.

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March 3, 2024

Jesus drove the money changers out of the temple. Why did he do that? The money changers had set up barriers for people coming to the temple. The money changer aspect is fairly obvious for us today because charging a price for or the exchange rate would be in favour of the money changers making money on the exchange. But why the sheep, cattle, and doves?

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February 25, 2024

“Get behind me, Satan! For you are setting your mind not on divine things but on human things.” And: losing and gaining our lives. Gaining the whole world and forfeiting our lives. I cannot help thinking this relates to control. That we can only have partial control of our lives. We are co-creators with God who thus takes the major role.

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February 18, 2024

The sequence of events may be significant and give us some insight into what is going on and for us to see the value. It begins with Jesus being baptized. An uplifting event, a great day. Then forty days in a row in the wilderness, then the bad news about John the Baptist being arrested.

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February 11, 2024

As we think of this glorious mountain top experience for transfiguration, we have two comments in second Corinthians. The gospel is veiled, let light shine out of darkness,” who has shone in our hearts

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February 4, 2024

For most of our lives, we have been told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. As its name suggests, it breaks the overnight fasting period. It replenishes our supply of fuel to boost our energy levels and alertness, while also providing other essential nutrients required for good health.

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