Easter VI, the Spirit of Truth

From the Rector’s StudyEaster VI, the Spirit of Truth May 17th, 2020 John 14: 15-21 The Sprit of Truth, this sounds like the second part of the sermon from last week, and the reading is exactly that, a continuation. The question seems to be, what is truth? This could...

Easter V, the way, the truth and the life

From the Rector’s Study Easter V, the way, the truth and the life May 10th, 2020 Psalm 31:1-5, 15-16 & John 14:1-14 Jesus said, I am the way the truth and the life. I cannot help thinking of the scene from Rocky Horror Picture Show; when the young couple comes to...

Easter IV – The Good Shepherd

From the Rector’s StudyEaster IV, the Good ShepherdMay 3rd, 2020 Psalm 23 & John 10:1-10 The shepherd, the sheep and the thief are the characters for today. The greatest trick of the thief is to say there is no God, no shepherd, that we can do it alone, and that...

Easter III – The Road to Emmaus

From the Rector’s StudyEaster III, the Road to EmmausApril 26th, 2020 Luke 24:13-35 At the 2014 Clergy Conference in the Diocese of Toronto, the Rt. Rev. Stephen Cottrell, Bishop of Chelmsford in England talked about this passage. He said the most common model and...

Easter II in the Upper Room

From the Rector’s StudyEaster II in the upper roomApril 19th, 2020 John 20:19-31 We could focus on Doubting Thomas, but instead, today the idea that we are ourselves hiding in the upper room in isolation, with all kinds of fears and concerns. The disciples were afraid...

Easter Sunday – A new beginning

April 12th, 2020 John 20:1-18 Easter is a new beginning but it doesn’t feel like it. Mary Magdalene is asked twice; why are you weeping? First by the two angels in the tomb, and then by Jesus whom she thinks is the gardener. Her worry and why she is upset is that...